Discipleship Ministries
When Jesus calls us to come and follow Him (Mark 1:14-18), our lives can radically change for the better! God desires that every person would come to personally know and love Him, for great is His love for us. To be a disciple (follower) of Jesus is to become increasingly like Him, such that we take on the character, heart, and mission of Jesus through our relationships and how we live our lives .
At Mission Valley, we seek to be disciples who then make disciples of others for Jesus. We therefore have a series of “next steps” for people as we grow in Christ. Some of these growth opportunities and relationships are experienced through these ministries.
See the left side of this page for the ministries.
Where and how is God calling you to grow, be transformed, and risk for Him? Take a step of faith and join us on the disciple’s path of following Jesus!
For more information, please contact Pastor Annette Kakimoto
It has been said, “Nothing great was ever accomplished apart from prayer.” This is a weekly time of coming before the Father’s throne of grace to ask Him for His power to make disciples who will glorify Him. Our disciple making begins with our dependency on God. Please join us for a weekly prayer time on Sundays at 9am in the Prayer Chapel, and then see what God does!
We seek to connect people who desire to grow deeper in their faith with those who have walked with God over the years. Each relationship is unique and so the discipling is tailored as such. If you have a heart to nurture God’s people in their faith formation, please contact Pastor Annette Kakimoto to be trained as a discipler.
What is MV’s strategy for developing leaders? How do we raise up people to serve and lead at their highest capacity? Come learn about our Leadership Pipeline at MV!
How do we live in the world, but not be of the world, especially in these technologically saturated times? How do help MV’ers unplug from their devices, rather than being ruled by them? Thankfully there are a number of spiritual practices to help us create space to meet with God, become like Him, and live a Christ-centered life. Come talk with the MV pastors to learn how to live this life!
Cultivating a personal daily Bible reading rhythm is possible when you use the guide which features four different reading options. Please see Annette Kakimoto – Discipleship Pastor – for your free copy. This is also a monthly gathering on the 4th Sunday from 9 – 10am in the Prayer Chapel to encourage, equip, and excite you about being in the Word with other followers!
This annual event features many Bible study resources to aid your study, comprehension, and application of God’s Word to your life and ministry. Easy-to-use resources can help unlock the Bible as you learn to use them. Helpful Resource Guidesheets are also available.
Please see the Life Groups tab on this website. These are our weekly or bimonthly small groups, which meet in-person or on Zoom. See our quarterly Directory of Open Groups. Still curious? Please contact
Join us for periodic, casual, free lunches to welcome newcomers to Mission Valley!
This class will introduce you to the DNA of Mission Valley! Come learn about our Vision and Values, history, leadership structure, and opportunities to serve and grow at our church.
In fulfilling our Lord Jesus’ Great Commission and in making disciples for Christ, we baptism believers so that they can publicly and joyfully profess their faith in God. A Baptism class is required prior to your baptism.
Come be a part of the Mission Valley family through membership! Join us for this class as we explain our Free Methodist convictions, history, and responsibilities of being an MV member. Baptism is a prerequisite for membership.
Have your discovered your SHAPE of Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences for serving God and others? We can help you with this, and connect you into places of ministry at Mission Valley!
Disciple making happens in various ways and with different populations. Whether through gender-specific groups or lifestages, we are committed to discipling future generations of Christ followers!
Life here on Earth can get so complicated, difficult, and stressful! Our souls can easily get depleted, yet thankfully God desires vitality and renewal for us. Join us for periodic day retreats on various themes with reflective experiences to nurture and nourish your inner life for outward living.